CBD oil explained: Introduction to the use of cannabidiol

The term "CBD oil" generally refers to a mixture of cannabidiol and a carrier oil. The carrier oils can be very different. They are usually coconut or vegetable oils. Cannabidiol acts on the endocannabinoid system in the body and can therefore influence the sensation of pain.

The ingredients of CBD oils can vary depending on the extraction method and the oil selected. CBD oil naturally contains unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.1

So, what is CBD oil? CBD oil is a natural product and contains the highly effective CBD, which is extracted from the flowers and leaves of the hemp plant. CBD has no intoxicating effect - it has nothing to do with the psychoactive THC. During controlled production, the cannabidiol is extracted from the hemp plant. In the next processing step, it is mixed with a carrier oil. CBD itself is a crystalline powder. Mixing it with an oil makes it easier to dose and use. The oils also help to improve the bioavailability and absorption of CBD in the body.

The mode of action of CBD: How does cannabidiol affect the human body?

The effects of cannabidiol (CBD for short) on the human body are diverse and closely linked to the human body's endocannabinoid system (ECS). Among other things, the ECS regulates the sleep wake cycle, pain perception, immune function and mood. CBD interacts with the receptors of this system and can thus promote balance and well-being. It also influences inflammatory processes and can alleviate pain.2 Cannabidiol is also said to have antioxidant properties. These can help to reduce cell damage. In addition, CBD can alleviate anxiety and depression as it influences neurotransmitters. CBD oil also has a positive effect on the immune system and can improve inflammation and autoimmune diseases.3

CBD vs THC: The crucial difference between the cannabinoids

Cannabidiol (CBD) is an active ingredient from the cannabis sativa plant. The substance can be found in various products, including oils, capsules and creams. CBD has no pyschoactive effect and is permitted by law if it is below the limit value of 0.3% THC.10 THC, on the other hand, is a so-called psychoactive substance, has a high effect and is banned for free sale in most countries.

CBD has a complex mode of action and can unfold in different mechanisms in the body.

In order for the oil to develop its full effect, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the product. This depends on the extraction process and the remaining ingredients.4

The effect of cannabis is controlled by cannabinoids, which are found in hemp. The human body is also capable of producing endocannabinoids itself. They can be detected in breast milk, for example. The compositions of the endogenous and plant-based variants are similar. Synthetic cannabinoids can also be produced in the laboratory.5

THC, on the other hand, has a simple mode of action. It docks onto receptors in the brain and digestive system. This releases the psychoactive effects already mentioned. These include:

  • Change in the state of
  • Slowing down the
  • Impairment of coordination
  • Increase the feeling of hunger.

What are the benefits of CBD in relieving back pain?

Several studies have already been carried out on the natural active ingredient of CBD. The following benefits of hemp oil were discovered:

CBD has an anti-inflammatory effect. As inflammation is often the cause of back pain, hemp oil is an excellent therapeutic approach here.

According to studies, CBD helps with anxiety. These are often associated with long-lasting or chronic back pain.

CBD can be used for sleep and relaxation. Restful sleep and less stress means improved pain management.

The most important point, however, is that unlike pain medication, there is no risk of addiction with CBD. CBD can therefore be a long-term solution.

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CBD and side effects

Compared to conventional painkillers, CBD has few side effects and is therefore well tolerated. Nevertheless, as with any other natural product, side effects cannot be completely ruled out.

The most common undesirable effects include

  • Dry mouth
  • dizziness
  • tiredness
  • Gastrointestinal complaints

How you can use CBD to treat back pain

You can use CBD oil for back pain in two different ways: 

You can drip the oil under your tongue using a pipette. Keep it in your mouth for a few seconds so that it can be optimally absorbed by the mucous membranes. For mild to moderate back pain, three drops of 10% CBD oil are usually sufficient. You can increase the dosage as required until you feel the desired effect. If you suffer from severe back pain and chronic back pain, the recommended oil is 35% CBD . However, you can always increase after your own desire.

You should start with a low dosage and increase it as required. If it is difficult to find the correct dosage. Alternatively, CBD oil can also be applied externally. To do this, dab the oil onto the painful areas of the back. Here too, you can increase the amount of drops until you have achieved the desired effect.

When can CBD not help with back pain

CBD can be effective in relieving back pain, but it's important to understand that not all pain sources are responsive to CBD treatment. Conditions like herniated discs, spinal canal narrowing, fractures, bony injuries, tumors or metastases, and Bechterew's disease are beyond its scope of relief. These serious health issues require medical diagnosis and treatment. Identifying the root cause of back pain can be challenging and is often undetermined. However, it's crucial to investigate potential triggers, especially for chronic pain, to rule out severe illnesses. Always consult a doctor for persistent back pain to ensure proper care and treatment.

Find out where your back pain is coming from

Finding out the cause of back pain is not that easy, which is why it often remains unknown. Nevertheless, we believe it is important to search for the triggers. After all, you should always keep serious illnesses in mind. It is therefore essential that you always have back pain, especially chronic pain, checked out by a doctor.

The most common causes of back pain

There are, of course, a number of common causes. Below you will find the most common triggers for back pain:

Poor posture: One of the most common causes of non-specific back pain is poor posture. For example, if you work at a desk, you have a bent posture, sometimes for eight hours a day. Incorrect movement patterns also play a major role here. Many people simply stand, walk and sit completely incorrectly. These postures and incorrect movement patterns are not healthy for the back and this part of the body reacts with pain.

Lack of movement: Another common cause of back pain is a lack of movement. You feel pain because the muscular-fascial tissue becomes inflexible due to the one-sided movement pattern and the one-sided posture. The reason for this is that numerous joint movement options are hardly utilised.

Tension: Tension is also one of the most common causes of back pain. If people suffer from very severe muscle tension in the back, this will inevitably lead to pain. Depending on the muscle groups affected, this can lead to deep-seated back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain or arm pain.

Injuries: Accidents and falls can cause injuries to the spine. These result in enormous pain in the back area. Slipped discs and constrictions in the spinal canal also represent an injury to the back.

Anxiety and stress: Anxiety and stress can also lead to back pain. This is because muscle tone increases in stressful situations. If such a reaction continues over a longer period of time or the stress is not reduced, this leads to tension and incorrect posture of the muscles, which ultimately causes chronic pain.

When you should definitely see a doctor for back pain

The initial step in addressing back pain is to identify any underlying medical conditions. If you've been experiencing back pain for over three months, it's crucial to consult a doctor. Immediate medical attention is also necessary if you encounter severe pain or symptoms like paralysis signs, sensory changes or tingling in limbs, bladder or bowel issues, fever, unexplained weight loss, or morning stiffness.

Back pain symptoms can vary in intensity and location, depending on the cause. They might include restricted mobility, sudden sharp pain, muscle aches, tension, fatigue, stiffness in the morning, paralysis signs in limbs, a feeling of weakness, or tingling sensations. Each of these symptoms can indicate different underlying issues and should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.

Alternative treatment for back pain

Of course you can take medication for back pain. However, this is not a healthy and permanent solution. In addition to painkillers and natural CBD, there are other forms of treatment that can provide relief from back pain.

Massages and physiotherapy: For back pain, physiotherapy or massage can be an excellent way of loosening the muscles, relieving tension and thus reducing pain. It is important that these treatments are carried out at regular intervals.

Heat: Acute back pain - heat plays a major role here. It can help to relieve tension in the muscles, particularly in the case of non-specific pain. However, heat should only be applied if there is no swelling or acute inflammation.

Step positioning: Stepped positioning can help with acute pain in the lower back. It has a relieving effect on the body region. To do this, lie on your back and bend your legs. Place your lower legs on a chair or stool. The upper and lower legs should form a 90 degree angle. This position can counteract the severe pain.

Keep moving: A very simple treatment method is exercise. You don't have to do competitive sport to prevent or treat back pain. Exercise means cycling to work, taking the stairs instead of the lift or going for a half-hour walk every day. This is enough to relax the muscles and compensate for poor posture, for example at work.

What you should look out for when choosing CBD

When buying CBD, you should pay attention to several factors to ensure that you are getting a high-quality and safe product. Here is a list of points you should consider:

Legal status: make sure that the purchase and use of CBD is legal in your country or region.

Origin and cultivation: To avoid exposure to herbicides and pesticides, make sure the hemp is organically grown.

THC content: Check the THC content of the product, as in some countries CBD is only legal if it has a very low THC content (often below 0.2% or 0.3%).

Product reviews and brand reputation: Pay attention to the reviews of other buyers. Also research the brand's reputation.

Packaging and labelling: Check that the product is properly labelled. You should also make sure that information is provided on dosage, ingredients and storage instructions.

Customer service and support: Good customer service will help you with questions and concerns.


Do you suffer from acute back pain or chronic pain? Do tense muscles rob you of sleep and leave you unable to lead a pain-free life? Then you should try CBD oil. It can help you to alleviate your symptoms in a completely natural way and allow you to return to a normal everyday life.

However, you should always speak to your doctor before using CBD to determine whether such a treatment is suitable for you.

It is also essential that you relax your muscles by exercising regularly, getting enough exercise and occasionally applying heat to your muscles.

A visit to a physiotherapy practice can also help you to get your symptoms under control.

These tips in combination with CBD oil are an almost unbeatable team against severe back pain.