Penalties for Possession of CBD in Tanzania

Over the past ten years, Tanzania has intensified its penalties for drug-related offenses, implementing life imprisonment for the gravest violations. Being found with a minor quantity—up to 50 grams of cannabis or 5 grams of cannabis hash—could result in a penalty of 500 shillings and a prison sentence of up to five years

This stringent approach emphasizes Tanzania's commitment to combating drug trafficking and use within its borders, reflecting the serious stance the country has adopted towards curbing drug-related activities.

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Traveling to Tanzania with CBD

Bringing CBD to Tanzania is strongly discouraged. If you are planning a trip to this country, it is advisable to leave any cannabis products, including CBD, behind, regardless of whether you possess a medical marijuana card

The penalties for cannabis-related offenses in Tanzania are harsh, and to prevent any legal issues, it's wise to reconsider your decision if you intend to bring such items with you.


To summarize, CBD is illegal in Tanzania. There is a strict prohibition on products containing any amount of THC, and it is highly advised against bringing CBD into the country. The consequences for violations related to cannabis are severe. Hence, it is important to abide by local laws when traveling.


This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Laws regarding CBD oil are subject to change and may vary.