Changes in the Legislation

According to the UN, Morocco stands as the largest producer of cannabis resin globally. The cultivation of the cannabis plant is widespread in the country's northeast, providing livelihoods for over 60,000 Moroccan families. 

Consequently, it was crucial to establish a legal framework to allow these families to legitimize and enhance their activities under optimal conditions. Furthermore, this legislative progress was imperative for improving crime control in North Africa.

Conditions for Exports, Imports of Legalized Cannabis Products

Under the law, the import and export of cannabis seeds and plants must receive approval from the National Agency for the Regulation of Cannabis-related Activities (ANRAC). Additionally, the law requires that individuals holding import and/or export permits must be Moroccan nationals.

The THC content in cannabis is to be limited to either 100 or 1%, as determined by a joint decree from the Ministry of Interior and the Ministries of Health and Agriculture. The transportation of cannabis and its derivatives is permitted only with authorization from ANRAC, which stands as the sole body empowered to approve the export of cannabis and its products for medical, pharmaceutical, or industrial use. Ensure to get such authorization before traveling.


In 2021, the Kingdom of Morocco legalized various applications of cannabis for medical, cosmetic, and industrial uses. The country emphasizes the need for detailed regulations to manage the legalization, cultivation, and production of cannabis effectively. If you're planning to purchase or bring CBD into Morocco, make sure to obtain the necessary authorization from the National Agency for the Regulation of Cannabis-related Activities (ANRAC) before your trip.


This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Laws regarding CBD oil are subject to change and may vary.