Can CBD oil help with panic attacks?

Anyone who has ever suffered from panic attacks knows how unpleasant and frightening they can be. The heart suddenly starts racing, the sweat breaks out and dizziness sets in. Feelings that nobody likes to have. That's why everyone who suffers from panic attacks tries to find ways to alleviate the symptoms.

But what are panic attacks? Panic attacks are a strong and sudden anxiety reaction that manifests itself physically. The fear of dying or losing control, for example, becomes more and more intense. After a few minutes, it reaches its peak and then, in most cases, subsides by itself.

As very few people want to take prescription medication straight away, this article will provide you with useful information about CBD oil. You will learn how the oil can help against panic attacks and how it works, and we will also tell you how panic attacks develop, what the symptoms are, which illnesses can be behind them and how you can prevent them.

Learn why Raw Organics stands out as the premier CBD oil in Europe.

How CBD can help with panic attacks and anxiety disorders

CBD not only has a calming, but also an anxiety-relieving effect. A published study has shown that CBD activates the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain. It was found that anxiety was reduced in almost 80% of patients in the first month after starting to take CBD.

Many people suffering from anxiety disorders take a low dose of CDB every day. If they find themselves in an acute stress situation or notice signs of a panic attack, they increase their dose.

However, before taking CBD oil, a doctor should be consulted to determine whether CBD is the drug of choice. Especially if the use of other medications is advised.

Interest in CBD for panic attacks continues unabated to this day, which is why the following institutions are still working on the topic:

- WHO (World Health Organization)

- University of Leipzig

- University of Nottingham

The benefits of CBD for panic attacks

Unlike other medications, CBD is a completely natural remedy that does not require chemicals. In the following, we would like to list the advantages of CBD over medication:

  • No addiction: CBD is one of the many cannabinoids found in hemp, but unlike THC, it has no intoxicating effect. You can consume CBD without the risk of aggravating your condition. Also, unlike many psychotropic drugs, you will not develop an addiction.

  • Regulating dopamine and serotonin: Scientific researchers and the study in question found that medicinal cannabis interacts with the endocannabinoid system. In particular with the 5-HT1A, GPR55, CB1 and CB2 receptors. As a result, CBD actively supports the production of dopamine and serotonin in the brain. This in turn promotes happiness and a good mood, while anxiety and stress are reduced.

  • Promotes relaxation: Thanks to its calming and relaxing effect, CBD helps you to regain a sense of relaxation and calm in everyday life. When used correctly, CBD can help to dispel irrational fears and thus reduce the occurrence of panic attacks.

How CBD works in the body - why it is useful for panic attacks

As already mentioned, several studies have shown that CBD is able to reduce anxiety. Scientists suspect that the relaxing and calming effect of CBD is linked to activity in the paralimbic and limbic areas of the brain and therefore has a positive effect on anxiety and the resulting panic attacks.

In an animal study, the effect in rodents also demonstrated that strengthening the endocannabinoid system is a good strategy for reducing the physical and behavioral consequences of stress.

Another positive point as to why it makes sense to take CBD for panic attacks is the fact that there are no known side effects. However, there may be certain interactions with other medications taken. Because of this, it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking CBD.

You may now be wondering where you can obtain high-quality CBD oil. At Raworganics, you can only get full-spectrum cannabis products that are 100% organic. So you can be sure that you are holding CBD oil in your hands that has been refined and refined for years.

How to recognize anxiety disorders and panic attacks

Anxiety disorders and panic attacks are usually closely linked. It is therefore important that you can recognize both anxiety disorders and panic attacks.

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Anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorders are also known as multifactorial disorders. Genetic predispositions on the one hand and external environmental factors on the other are significantly involved in their development.

Below is a brief overview of the different types of anxiety disorders:

  • Panic disorders: In the case of panic disorders, there is a sudden onset of anxiety that is accompanied by physical symptoms. The majority of those affected suffer from dizziness, palpitations, stomach problems, and/or nausea. These attacks come on suddenly and completely out of the blue. The sufferer becomes immensely afraid of fainting or dying. This condition can last up to several minutes.
  • Generalized anxiety disorder: People who exhibit generalized anxiety are almost always afraid. They are unable to control the feeling of anxiety and this limits their everyday life enormously. These people can also develop symptoms such as palpitations and stomach problems.
  • Anxiety mixed with depressive disorders: If anxiety and the symptoms of depression (listlessness or sadness) occur at the same time, this is referred to as a depressive disorder mixed with anxiety. However, this is only the case if neither anxiety nor depression is the primary disorder.
  • Specific phobias: A phobia is a fear of a specific object, such as animal phobia, fear of spiders or fear of dogs. This is the most common phobia, followed by fear of heights and fear of thunderstorms and forces of nature.
  • Social phobia: People who suffer from social anxiety do not like to be the center of attention and do not like to attract attention. They are afraid of being perceived as embarrassing, strange, or even ridiculous by other people.
  • Agoraphobia: This phobia is characterized by the fact that the person affected is afraid of a certain situation from which they are supposedly unable to escape should something happen. For some people, this phobia manifests itself in certain places, large crowds, confined spaces, public places, or public transport.

If you find yourself experiencing one of these listed fears, you should not be afraid to seek medical advice.

Where can you turn?

If you are affected, you can contact the following institutions:

  • Doctors in private practice for psychiatry
  • Outpatient clinics for psychiatry
  • Psychotherapists
  • Doctors with further training in psychotherapeutic medicine
Panic attacks

Panic attacks are also known as the companions to anxiety disorders, as they usually occur in connection with fears.

Panic attacks are short phases of intense fear. These phases are not only accompanied by emotional symptoms but also by physical symptoms. Those affected suffer considerably from the attacks that occur.

The most common symptoms of panic attacks are as follows:

  • Dizziness: those affected suffer from the fear of fainting, losing control or dying due to the dizziness.
  • Nausea: People who suffer from panic attacks often feel extremely nauseous. This can, but does not necessarily have to, lead to vomiting.
  • Shortness of breath: Due to the rapid inhalation and exhalation, many people suffer from shortness of breath as they begin to hyperventilate. The feeling of suffocation comes to the fore.
  • Palpitations: Due to the increasing anxiety, the heartbeat speeds up so much that a real palpitations sets in, which in turn leads to panic.
  • Chest pain: Those affected often suffer from chest pain, which is caused on the one hand by the rapid heartbeat and on the other by shortness of breath.
How can anxiety disorders and panic attacks be treated?

Anxiety disorders and panic attacks should not be taken lightly. They can severely restrict your everyday life and reduce your quality of life enormously. That is why it is important that you seek and accept help.

The following overview is intended to show you what should be the focus of treatment for anxiety disorders and panic attacks:

  • Reactivating resources: many people don't even realize that anxiety disorders and associated panic attacks can develop due to a deficiency in the body. It should be checked whether there is a deficiency of vitamin B6, B9 or B12, as these nutrients provide essential support for mood swings and can therefore be helpful for anxiety.

You can find the necessary substances in foods such as green leafy vegetables, nuts, fish and chicken. Magnesium is also an important nutrient that supports your nervous system.

  • Making problems understandable: To be able to combat anxiety disorders and panic attacks, you should find out where the problems lie and what triggers the unpleasant condition. A psychotherapist can provide you with excellent support here.
  • Learn problem-solving strategies: Once you have identified the problems behind the anxiety disorder and panic attacks, you should work out how you can overcome these problems. A psychotherapist is also an important source of help here.

As a sufferer, you can also take action yourself to reduce the symptoms. The main focus here is on lifestyle. The use of natural remedies such as CBD, valerian or lemon balm and orange blossom can also be considered.

What to do during a panic attack?

The following five emergency measures are suitable for successfully surviving a panic attack.

  1. Talk yourself into it: During the acute anxiety, tell yourself: "It's perfectly okay to have a panic attack. A lot of people feel like this." This will help to alleviate the feeling of anxiety.
  2. Radical acceptance: Acceptance creates space for change. If you simply accept your panic attack, you will automatically bring calm to an already stressful situation.
  3. Perform breathing exercises: The moment you start to panic, you automatically breathe more shallowly. You should therefore concentrate on the flow of air and breathe in and out deeply. This has a very calming effect. You can also try the 4-6-8 technique: This involves breathing in for four seconds, holding your breath for six seconds and breathing out for eight seconds. Thanks to the calming effect, the panic will subside.
  4. Emergency kit for panic attacks: You should use so-called skills from your "emergency kit" to regulate your tension. In addition to nice music and a scent that has a soothing effect, this can also be a hot chili pepper. The pain stimulus is also very effective. You can tie a rubber band around your wrist, pull on it and then release it again. Find out which method suits you best.
  5. Distract yourself: Don't be afraid to talk to strangers during a panic attack, as this can distract you. At that moment, you concentrate on something completely different and the panic fades into the background. You can also count backwards silently, recite certain colors or even visible objects. Here, too, you can simply try out what suits you best.

6 tips to prevent panic attacks and anxiety disorders

As already mentioned, you can take action yourself to prevent panic attacks and anxiety disorders. The following six tips can help you do this.

1st tip: Sport and exercise

It has already been scientifically proven that exercise and sport have a positive effect on physical and mental health. On the one hand, the happiness hormones serotonin and dopamine are released. On the other hand, the stress hormone cortisone is reduced.

Exercise in nature in particular has a positive effect on the parasympathetic nervous system. But it doesn't have to be sport, even short walks in the fresh air help you to feel happier. Make a date with your friends and go for a walk in the park, this also encourages social interaction.

2nd tip: A healthy and balanced diet

Eating makes you happy - you've probably heard this saying before. In fact, the right diet has a lasting effect on your well-being. Not only physically, but also mentally. We recommend a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables to ensure that your body is supplied with enough important nutrients and vitamins. The right diet is able to reduce stress, anxiety and therefore panic attacks.

3rd tip: Get enough sleep

Most people underestimate the importance of sleep. Everyone needs enough rest to recover from the day and gain their new energy. While you sleep, you process what you have experienced, which is an important aspect of anxiety disorders and panic attacks.

Supplements such as melatonin or CBD are excellent for promoting the quality of falling asleep and staying asleep.

4th tip: Use mindfulness training

Mindfulness exercises are about focusing your attention in everyday life. These exercises can help you to observe and control your feelings and thoughts. It supports you in promoting mental health.

5th tip: Keep a diary

Have you ever thought about writing down your fears and panic attacks? This can help you to filter out the situations in which the attacks occur. It also helps you to look at things from a different perspective and reflect on them critically.

6th tip: Use mantras

Mantras are also often referred to as positive affirmations. These are words or short sentences that can help you mentally achieve your goals. Mantras can also help you to strengthen yourself and develop positive feelings in the event of anxiety and panic attacks.

The following mantras can help you particularly well:

  • "It will be okay - it will pass."
  • "Challenges like this make me strong. I can do anything."
  • "I am good just the way I am."


CBD is a good natural alternative if you suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. However, you should not rely solely on the use of a high-quality CBD oil from Raworganics to alleviate your problem, but should also actively seek help. 

Before using CBD, you should always discuss with your doctor whether the oil is suitable for you or whether any interactions with other medications are to be expected.

Many everyday tips can also help you to get your anxiety and panic attacks under control so that you can lead a happier life again.

Jerome Cabalinan
Julia Bauer

Julia Bauer is a dedicated healthcare professional and a talented copywriter. She completed her schooling in Rastatt and Achern before focusing on a career in the medical sector. She gained extensive experience as a medical assistant in various practices, including Dr. Licht and Dr. König.